Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Just a quick post...cause I don't feel like going to work yet.

this post has been inspired by two TV shows that are airing currently...

How I Met Your Mother (The Best Sitcom on TV)
The West Wing (The Best Show On TV)

How do shows drag you in to the characters relationships so well? I mean, All through my life I've been wondering: Are Kevin and Whinnie going to kiss, are Ross and Rachel going to get together, is the non Ryan Reynolds dude from Two Guys A Girl and a Pizza Place going to tell the girl what he really feels about her.

And now I'm stuck on another Two. First, Who is Ted going to end up with. Is Ted going to end up with Robin, is he going to end up with the Cake girl. Maybe the girl he's going to find hasn't even been introduced on the show yet. But really, this one isn't that important as long as Barney (doogie) remains the funniest Live Action character on the air.

The one that I'm really talking about is Josh Lyman and Donna Moss on the West Wing.

Those who haven't watched the show, Josh is the Deputy Chief of Staff, Donna his assistant. On several occasions through the years, people have made mention of Josh and Donna's "love" for eachother but nothing ever happens with it. In Season Two Pollster Joey tells Josh that the reason Donna wants him to ask Joey (played brilliantly by Marlee Matlin) out is because she likes him and thinks it's a good way to hide her affection.

Later Amy, who Josh actually has a relationship with asks donna if she Loves Josh in a season finale. With no followup!

The two bicker like a married couple, they've both been at eachother's hospital beds when eachother has been nearly killed in terrorist plots (This is tv folks), and they both would be perfect for eachother.

I say now, in this final year of The West Wing...Josh and Donna better hook up, or I'm going to throw a Fuckin' fit.

1 comment:

MDG said...

If Ted and Robin end up together I call Bull Shit! He's already refered to her as Aunt Robin when talking to the kids. Therefore if the writers mess this up I refuse to pay attention to any scene that doesn't include Barny.