Saturday, February 04, 2006

Full House My Ass.

So I was reading about poor Stephanie Tanner and how she is now a recovering Meth head. She was married to a cop at the time, who had no idea. Pretty sneaky sis.

Anyway, it had me thinking about the show. They called it Full House, yet it had 6 people on it. Sitcoms have always had funny gag names that help the audience understand the complex plot, have you forgotten We've Got it Maid, Bosom Buddies or Dear John already? You would think these brilliant tv execs would have had the foresight to only cast 5 people on the show, making it an actual Full House. Yes, I do play too much poker. They could have made it the best named sitcom ever by telling the story of an African American father who has his brother move in to help care for his three adopted Native American children after his wife died. Full House - three of one kind, two of another. It just makes sense people! At the very least, they should have changed the last name of the Tanner's to the Fulls.

Well, I think that there was a lost opportunity here, no wonder so many of the child actors on the show turned to drugs or marrying communist hockey players. How Rude!

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