Sunday, February 12, 2006

Fuge's That Guy Hall Of Fame

On this snowy New England Day, I had not much to do, besides cook breakfast, do some dishes and watch some TV. And on my not quite premium digital cable package the movie Punchline came on. The movie starred Tom Hanks, Sally Field, A not quite morbidly obese John Goodman and a young Candace Cameron...

And with it came, the charter member of the That Guy Hall Of Fame has been elected. mr. Taylor Negron.

A "That Guy" is a guy who's not a big star, but you see him all the time in film and tv. A"That Guy" is the kind of guy if you are watching the movie with your friend, you see someone, and don't know his name, but can probably name 15 other films he's been in. A "That Guy" conversation would probably go something like this:

Have you seen Movie A. No who's in it?

You know...That Guy that was the Mailman in Better off Dead.

Oh Yeah...That Guy.
I wouldn't know Mr. Negron's name, had I not gone to a comedy show at the now defunct Grill 93 in Andover Massachusetts, and they had his autograph picture on display. I finally knew his name, and would never ever forget it.
I remember Mr. Negron best as the Mail Man in Better off Dead. A role he later reprised as the Mailman from How I Got Into College, a truly underrated masterpiece mind you.

Congratulations Taylor for being the Charter Inductee in the "That Guy Hall Of Fame.

I know the "That Guy" concept isn't my own, but that won't stop me from honoring the "That Guys" that deserve the honor.


banky said...

Taylor's best "That Guy" appearance is in "The Stoned Age." It's sweet 'cause he's the biggest "name" in the movie, and you're still like, "hey, I know that guy!"

bandit said...

i still think his most classic is fast times at ridgemont high! i have known his name since i was a teenager. i had a massive crush on him.

i am a little shocked that he never appeared on Law & Order. shayne and i have a theory that anytime we say "hey, it's THAT guy", that they have appeared on at least one episode.

but i suppose he was on Hill Street Blues and Hart to Hart, so that will have to suffice.

Duffless said...

Sorry bandit, he's gay.

banky said...

Since when does that stop the Bandit?!?

fuge said...

Wait a second...He's Gay?

Anonymous said...

hes not gay..people say that he said he was bi.But who knows.

Duffless said...

I stand potentially corrected, I was sure I heard him mention being gay, but I cannot back that up with anything, therefore, Bandit does stand a chance with him.