Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I'm Back...with Mixed Emotions

First things first...I would like to echo my foundation compatriot in honoring the passing of the fine actor Paul Gleason. He is a major factor in two of my all time favorite movies. One as Duffless so thoughtfully recounted in her earlier post was The Breakfast Club...

The other, is a much different film but nonetheless a shining moment for Mr. Gleason. The movie...Die Hard. Paul Gleason's role was small, in comparison to the other roles in the film, but he was still an integral part of the film, bringing both comedy and drama...Intensity and Frivolity.

He played the role of Deputy Chief of Police Dwayne T. Robinson. The sometimes bumbling man in charge at the scene at the hostage situation at Nakatomi Plaza. Dwayne was definitely not the most popular member of the LAPD that night, in fact, he made many more mistakes than he made sucesses.

My favorite scene involving Mr. Gleason is really every time that he introduces himself in the movie...which is really like 4 or 5 different times during the movie. Just the way he'd say "This is Deputy Chief of Police Dwayne T. Robinson", really just made me melt. Anyway, We'll miss you Paul, but If I was at the Oscars next year, I'd clap it out for you when you appear in the Parade of Dead stars.

Ok, a bit of an explanation of my absence. I had computer issues again. I've been very active in trying to get more technologically savvy...So I bought myself an Ipod. An Ipod Nano to be more specific. It's so awesome! The problem was my computer was ill prepared to accept the awesomeness of myself and an Ipod together. So it broke.

I was finally able to get it to the point that I could get it to work, or more specifically, my friend the IT guy got it to work, I just supplied the PBR. Anyway, in between the time I got the Ipod, and go tthe computer fixed, I bought a laptop. This laptop is the single greatest thing that's happened to me since I lost my virginity. I think so at least, as I was kinda drunk. Both when I got my laptop, and lost my virginity.

I digress. Now that I have the laptop, I can't believe it took me so long! If someone had just told me that I could search for pOrn, play poker and download music all while taking a shit, I would have bought this thing long ago!

That being said, I'm back, and I have no excuse as to why it will take me 20 something days to post something again, in fact I have another post in mind for tonight, but I'll hold off on it, in order to give Paul Gleason the respect he deserves.

Good Night Deputy Chief Of Police Dwayne T. Robinson.

Good Night Mr. Dick Vernon


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