Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Crapple Pie

I have been known for making up random and untrue stories, facts and bits of bullshit and convincing my lil' brother of their veracity. This past Christmas my brother regaled me with tales of Apple Pie Flavored Snapple. He claimed that he was drinking with a buddy who told him of this rare and elusive flavor which he claimed tastes like "an apple pie including crust." My brother apparently was swift in his accusations of both bullshit and shenanigans. His friend swore up and down that it was true. I think my years of deception have scarred his fragile little mind. I also called Bullshit on this story, how the hell can it taste like the crust???Was this his attempt to finally pull one over on me successfully? He claimed no, but part of me wasn't sure. I told lil' Petey his mission was clear. You get out there, and you find that fucking Snapple!

I recently returned to pick up my brother for the now famous Atlantic City Adventure, he rushed me to the fridge where he had been storing a Snapple Pie in the fridge since just past Christmas - my dad had been under strict orders "not to touch that fucking Snapple." We photographed the beauty and brought it on our road trip. First of all, who the hell invented this and second of all, it really fucking tastes like an apple pie, including the crust. How can a drink taste like crust??? Who can I blame for this, who willed this into existance, can I blame Republicans? My lazy ass brother has yet to email me the photos, and since i've not blogged in a month, you are getting stock photos you fans o' the foundation!

So get out there and find that fucking snapple, its not good, in fact its rank, but you just can't, not try it.

1 comment:

Dan Nolan said...

I once convinced a co-worker that I was pickled in brine for a year.

which reminds me, did I tell you about how I was pickled in brine for a year?