Monday, April 24, 2006

Intergalactic Planetary

Mmm Star Wars. I've done a fair bit of travelling these past two years. Being a total Star Wars Nerd I can't help but collect these small moments in time. In Germany, I even went to see Episode III in German, despite not speaking any of the language. Geman kids say Yedi instead of Jedi, for like 5 min I thought they were talking about Chewbacca! So here is a collection of my Star Wars related photos from around the globe.

Above is a poster for the Episode III DVD La Revanche des Sith release in Paris, taken in on St. Germaine Oct 2005 on the Left Bank. Later on this evening, I will drink a bottle of wine, party my ass off with Aussies and vomit in my hotel room, Jim Morrison style. The next day almost vomiting in the Louvre, PRICELESS!

This photo was taken at the 2006 Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade. Slightly hung over from a long weekend binge of drinking my ancestors would be proud of, I am still not sure why Darth Vader was in this parade. Is he British? Did St. Patrick drive the snakes off the Death Star? I have no idea. All Hail the Dark Lord. The collective WTF from the crowd was classic. To summarize, Lord Vader made this cold hung over Sunday morning bearable.

This picture is a classic poster of Star Wars that my best buddy Karen took for me while inTorino Italy for the Olypics. There must be some sort of drinking involved in this story, however since I wasn't there, let me just guess she got sauced on a dozen or so cute half pints of guinness, rocked a 3ft bong hit with the US Snowboard team and hit up the Film History Museum. I do love the old school drawing, and check out the bod on Luke, you don't get pecs like that shooting wamp rats!

Southie Back in the House!

And now we are back to Southie this spring, Stormtroopers on parade! They clearly do not walk in single file to hide their number. This reminds me of the classic internet series of stormtroopers doing various things like buying tacos and lined up at the urinal. Well, Southie on St. Pats is kinda like a big outside urinal. I stand corrected!

And now on to GERMANY

I was in Holland, Germany and Austria during the release of Episode III DIE RACHE DER SITH. The english speaking theaters were not in walking distance. I went to the German theater, bought a big ass pretzel and drank a beer while trying to figure out what the hell was going on, I could understand the action scenes, but I couldn't figure out why Anakin went to the dark side, to be honest with you I still don't really know why. For the record, Fuck Hayden Christensen and Fuck George Lucas. F'ing Lucas, how can he bring me so much joy and yet, so, so much pain. Best part of German Star Wars? Vader waking up Frankenstien style, finding out Amedala is dead and screaming NEINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

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