Wednesday, March 29, 2006

One of life's little pleasures.

One thing that makes me happy is when I'm flipping around the channels and I see a familiar face. i'm not saying that I run across someone that I know, because I don't know any actors. But someone that was in a movie that I liked, and was never really seen from again.

Last night this happened to me. I was flipping through the channels...and when I flip, I flip in three waves. First is the non movie broadcast channels (NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox), Basic Cable (including Bravo, TBS, USA, ESPN etc.) and finally Movie channels of which I have all those damn Encore channels (encore love stories, encore action etc.).

During my Broadcast flip, I fall upon Fox, with some show called Bones. I've never seen this before and only knew it was Bones from the digital cable menu. But on the show was an aged but still very recognizable (to me at least) figure. It was none other than Rick Morehouse from Just One Of The Guys. One of my favorite 80's films of all time. His real name is Clayton Rohner, so from here on out he will be Rick.

The film starred Joyce Hyser, who's only other real movie that I remember was a very small role in This Is Spinal Tap. She wants to prove herself as a writer, so she dresses up as a boy, joins another school, and does research of course hilarity ensued. Somehow her parents didn't seem to be around, I think they may have been in "Europe" or something. Becuase if they were there, they may have protested to her cutting her hair, switching schools, and dating a guy that was clearly 15 years older than her.

Besides Rick, the film also starred William Zabka as Greg. Zabka continues his streak of playing the Asshole...In Karate Kid, he was the Asshole Karate guy...In Back to School he was the Asshole Diver....In Just One Of The Guys, he was just the asshole that wore weightlifting gloves, and made kids lift their own table in the air spilling lunches on the ground.

In one touching scene Rick, standing up for the kids, actually leads the cafeteria in lifting their own tables, spilling lunch trays, and of course, chocolate milk and spaghetti landed on Greg's sweatpants...Rivalry ensued.

The movie also starred Billy Jayne, (credited as Billy Jacoby) as buddy, who was one of my favorite characters of all time. He was all hormones...all the time. The only other thing I've seen him do is play the sidekick to Parker Lewis in Parker Lewis Can't Lose.

Anyway, the movie culminates in Joyce Hyser playing "Terry" exposing her breasts to Rick in order to explain that she is in fact a girl...I will go out on a limb and say that Joyce's breasts are the finest breasts I've ever seen in a film. Oh yeah, then Rick beats up Zabka and everyone is happy.

Anyway, I'm so glad that Rick has continued acting, and I'm glad the good people at fox recognized his talents, and cast him on their show Bones.


Anonymous said...

Too long between posts but thanks for reminding me of the beach fight/kiss scene at the end of that movie with the kiss that was kind of gay but not really because he has boobs!!!

Dan Nolan said...

That was the seminal boob flash of my generation.

And yes, I mean that in all possible senses.

Duffless said...

hmmm the only other boob flash I really remember, as a straight girl, is the unzipping of the red shirt in Valley Girl, I wanted her rack!