Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Rapid Fire

I'm just going to go through some rapid fire Fuge Moments over the past few weeks.

Better Late than never.

In about a 48 hour stretch, I was able to watch the entire first season of 24, and read the first Harry Potter Book. Now I know, most people will say, what took you so long, but that's not the point, the point is, I did it, I enjoyed both, and will continue on with their respective series. Thanks Bro Fuge, for having all the books and dvd's so I don't have to netflix them, or go to the library.

Also thank you to Brofuge for doing my taxes, you rock.

Poker Vs. TV.

I realized that I'd been spending entirely too much time playing poker, and had been totally neglecting my tv watching...and seeing as I'm trying to save money for the Motherland trip in August anway, I've decided to focus on watching more tv than the normal small town does. Here are three highlights of the week so far.

MTV Real Life, I'm A Competitive Eater.

Truly one of the best hours of TV that I've ever watched. First of all, they tracked the greatest competitive Eater of all time Takeru Kobayashi...secondly they showed the training routines of 3 competitive eaters...and of course, just like that first time I saw poker on tv, I think I can do it. I've already Registered with the IFOCE, and they will hopefully be sending me schedules of events in New England to possibly participate in. I don't know if I'm any good, but Sunday, after watching 8 straight episodes of 24, I ate about 3 pounds of ravioli, then a slab of Elio's pepperoni pizza to top it off.

We'll see, I'll try to see if I can eat 5 pounds of lettuce like one of the dudes did, and see where I stand.

Amazing Race
They are back to the normal set up of pairs, instead of that stupid ass Family Edition with teams of 4. Last thing i want to see on Reality tv, is some 12 year old girl trying to get over her fear of heights so that she can bungee jump in Sydney...Fuck Her and fuck that concept.

I'm glad they are back to the two person teams...also, they seem to have less "Model" teams than they have in the past, but they also have No team that I like on it. I usually always root for the gay guys, because I love anything "Catty", but the gay dudes lost first time out. Right now the best story line is the southern Dentist, who always seems to call one team (a black couple)...the Black Team. If the black dude hears him do that, it's all over for Dr. Redneck. This is a show, I honestly think i could get on. As of now, the teams are as such.

Two cheesy hot chicks from Staten Island with big boobs.

Two Douchey Volleyball players from Florida (who tried to hit on the Staten Island chicks already)

The aforementioned Southern Dentist, and his (her words) good southern women of a wife.

The black team, who are A Lawyer, and teacher, who have been having a long distance relationship for 5 years.

The Old Couple from Colorado.

The stereotypical, Housewife friends who finally got rid of their kids and want to show that they can do something besides laundry.

The Puerto Rican Mother and Daughter, who used their knowlege of Spanish to their advantage in South America.

Two Other Douchey Guys.

A couple that have been called "ken and barbie"

two hippie dudes from San Francisco, that say Dude too much.

A couple of dorks, that always have to say i love you to eachother, and kiss every time they open a clue

I think that's it...No clear favorites. Before i realized they brought Public Displays of Affection to a new level, I might have gone for the dorks...but I think I may instead have to go for the least douchey of whatever guys there are. I mean, there is nothing of substance to go on yet.


How I Met Your Mother

This past Monday, this show was absolutely EXCELLENT. Not only was poker talked about (ever so briefly) but Neil Patrick Harris was the center of the show, and he shined...SHINED!!!

It is the only good sitcom on tv. Well maybe scrubs is good, but I never remember to watch it. NPH is the best character on TV, and whoever decided to bring him into the fold of this show deserves an Emmy, an Oscar, an Obie, whatever the fuck it is they give tv people, they should fuckin' get it right now.

The story of Barney as a newly graduated hippie, was second to none.

Finally, for the second time.

FU Beth for not wrestling Aneesa in the Real World Road Rules Gauntlet 2. I shouldn't have expected anything out of the person that said David was a rapist after he pulled the covers off of Kenny Anderson's wife in Real World LA. But, I did, and I was so dissapointed that I didn't turn the channel from 10:20 to 10:30, I'm sure there was something else to watch.

Finally for the last time.

Now that the Olympics are over, I can get back in the swing, and watch West Wing again. The West Wing is coming to a close, and March 12th is the first new episode since Hayley's Comet went by last. But there are like 10 episodes and i can't wait. I've actually checked out some Spoiler sites for some info on what's going to happen, and I'm as giddy as a 12 year old girl right now, becuase I know what to expect.

What you can expect from me is some more informative blogs in the coming days...I know this one lacked some of my normal comedic flair, but I felt you deserved the Foudation's loyal Readers.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell another piece of evidnence that I need to write down the shit that happens to me...I found out today that the girl i dated last year, and really liked...Is GAY! I'm so Awesome, I don't even know what to do with myself.

1 comment:

MDG said...

Two words:

Legend. Ary.