Friday, February 16, 2007

I hate you Nancy Grace

Nancy Grace is just pure evil. She purports to be an advocate for victims. If you watch her for a few minutes you might believe that. If you watch it for a few more minutes a few times, you come to realize the monster that she is. On top of her self serving, ratings grabbing exploitation of victims, she's also a stone cold bitch. Her voice and tone are enough to kill a small child. I flip past her once in a while and get more angry each time. She fixates on whatever the national headline is, the girl who died in aruba, the kidnapped kids that were found, Anna Nicole Smith and then she exploits them with zero compassion or tact. She yells at victims and pretends to have their best interest in mind. Her show alone makes all of CNN's credibility suspect in my mind. Here is an excerpt from last night. Yes, I can understand the media interest in ANS, and even wanting to know the details of the results. However, how sick and twisted are these questions and why would America need to know these details - that is why we have medical examiners. I don't care how f'd up ANS was, she was still a person, someone's mother, someone's daughter. Fuck you Nancy Grace.

GRACE: OK. Good to know. Doctor, the internal organs of Anna Nicole Smith, specifically the heart and the brain, where are they?

PERPER: Those were retained by us for purposes of examination. The heart is retained for examination and for additional testing by a cardiac pathologist, and the brain has to be fixed in a fixative fluid for about 10 days prior to the examination by a neuropathologist.

GRACE: Doctor, when the person is buried, they`re embalmed and buried, do the internal organs go back into the body?

PERPER: Yes, with the exception of the one which we retain. And if the family requires to have those body returned for burial after completion of our testing, we will certainly comply with this request.

GRACE: OK. And Dr. Perper, I know from reading so many autopsy reports that you look at every internal organ, it is weighed, it is held in your hand. Do those organs, such as the kidney and the liver, do they go back into the body?

PERPER: Correct.

GRACE: OK.PERPER: Except for small pieces which are taken for microscopic examination.


banky said...

The most frightening thing is what was left out of this transcript...

GRACE: Doctor, I'm feeling a bit hungry. Would you be willing to sell me Anna Nicole's heart for my lunch?


GRACE: Answer this question: when you hold those internal organs in your hands, are you ever tempted to make sweet, sweet love to them?

PERPER: Wha...?!

GRACE: Are Anna Nicole Smith's internal organs visibly hotter than the organs of, say, an average housewife? Can you verify the rumor that she had liver implants? Do my fangs show when I lick my lips at the thought of disemboweled corpses?

PERPER: I don't know, I'm just a shameless whore looking for face time on television.

GRACE: You don't have to tell ME about whoring for attention!

Dan Nolan said...

I'm starting to get and anti-Nancy Grace vibe here. Am I off on that?

Duffless said...

no way.

She's all things to all people.

Now go talk about sports.

Dan Nolan said...

easy, Nancy.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Grace is in absolute panic-mode Thursday August 9th, and has her defense attorneys trying to get one of the many lawsuits filed or yet to be filed against Grace thrown out of court. No official response by the court, but it is expected to respond sometime next week on Grace's teary-eyed cry for leniency. Perhaps Nancy should have thought about these problems before she may have incited a suicide against a non-convicted, non-stable, psychologically-distraught young mother of a missing young child.,2933,292767,00.html