Wednesday, May 03, 2006

T & A

My foundation partner in crime Duffless called me out for using T & A to get comments on this blog...

I do not even want to give that accusation the time of day! Is it my fault that the first picture on GIS that I could find of the lovely Ms. Amanda Peterson was one of her in a lovely bikini? I think not.

But now I will gladly flaunt the T & A.

In Fugitive's first ever Girls of the 80's Extravaganza!

In addition to the previously mentioned beauties Ms. Peterson and Ms. Heyser I would like to add:

Phoebe Cates

Easily one of the greatest scenes of all time. Definitely the greates scene that included Judge Reinhold whackin' his bag.

Kelly LeBrock

I know that she has become very "bloated" in the past few years...and she was tainted by having sex with Steven Seagal...But you can't say you didn't wish you were in the shower with her in Weird Science

I know these next two pictures aren't all that sexy...but they are two of my favorite girls of the 80's

Diane Franklin

Go that way...really fast. If anything gets in your way...turn.

Kerri Green

Andi You GOONIE!!!!

There are plenty more, but here is the first wave...Hot chicks from the 80's....more to come.


MDG said...

good good stuff

Dan Nolan said...

I demand more photos of Joyce Hyser.

fuge said...


I'm not sure there are any more pictures of Joyce Hyser out there...

I think I found the only one!

Tis a shame I know.

What a talent.

Dan Nolan said... - the photo in question. enjoy.

(at the end of a google image search, you can click on omitted search results, which will yield more results that the Machine thought were duplicates or irrelevant (and is there a more relevant image?))

Dan Nolan said...

that's NSFW, btw.