Sunday, April 30, 2006

Patently Offensive? Count me in!

I really didn't have any plans to see The Da Vinci Code, the book was kinda meh. Angels and Demons was pretty good, but overall they are just Grisham's with a bit of history. But now the Vatican has to come out and told the movie to "bring it", and the movie is all like, "its already been broughten", so now its apparently "on."

The big ups at the V'can find the movie/book "Patently Offensive" to Christians. Hey Opie, put that on the poster, cause I'm in. I found the 1 page chapters and Hanks haircut patently offensive, but hey, thats just me. Hanks and your devils haircut, you are now getting my 9 dollars now(that's 4, 2$Beers!) I'm making the ultimate sacrifice in the name of free speech. That being said, I'm just glad the Vatican did start boycotting Will and Grace.

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